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Information for Prospective Project Sponsors

Are you interested in collaborating with the Bonar Lab on a fisheries project? We enjoy working with agencies, corporate sponsors and others to mentor graduate students in fisheries. There are numerous benefits to working with our program. Funding graduate student research gives you the opportunity to prepare future generations to work in the natural resources profession; it gives you ready access to University of Arizona professors, staff and facilities; it is usually much less expensive than other research options because collaborating professor's salaries, large equipment like boats and trucks, and research laboratories are supplied by us. If you are interested, there are opportunities for you to be involved as an author on joint scientific publications.


We look for research projects that address new and unique problems in fisheries management. These include projects in habitat management; native-nonnative aquatic species information; fish life history information; human dimensions; and general fisheries biology. Because we provide literally thousands of dollars in in-kind match to sponsors (professor salary, lab space, equipment, high-speed computing, etc.), the project needs to benefit the sponsor and be of high research value to the student and University.


Students take classes, conduct research, and the final project is a thesis, final report, and/or publication(s) addressing the research issue. I(Scott) believe strongly that the best graduate education is obtained when University and Agency/Corporate biologists and students work closely together to solve practical, applied projects to address critical issues in fisheries conservation. Therefore, I encourage students keep in close contact with their sponsors, and consult with them frequently along the way. I want the student, the sponsors, and the University to be satisfied with the final product.

Master's students generally require 2.5 years to finish, while Ph.D. students can take 4-7 years, depending on the project. The typical project requires approximately $32,000 per year, which includes graduate students salary, their travel to field locations, supplies, publication costs and equipment (in addition to that supplied by us - see above). This figure can go up or down depending on the complexity of the project. Often agencies work together to fund one project, which can bring down the cost of the project per agency even more.


Interested in cooperating with us to support the next generation of fisheries biologists and conduct useful, exciting research? Please contact me here. To see some of the research we have conducted, click here. To see products from our research, click here. Thanks for your interest!

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