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Awards to the Bonar Lab: 2000 - Present

  • Chris Jenney – Dr. Bonar Student - Best Student Paper, Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society (2024)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (2023)


  • Joshua D. Grant and Steven J. Ingram Grant – Students of Dr. Bonar - Featured Article, Influence of Electrofishing Boat Operation and Driving Techniques on Reservoir Fish Catches, Fisheries Magazine (July 2023)


  • Kaitlyn Gahl – Dr. Bonar Student - Graduate Supplemental Funding Award, University of Arizona (2023)


  • Chad Teal – Dr. Bonar Student - Outstanding Dissertation Award, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (2023)


  • Award of Excellence. Management Section of the American Fisheries Society (2022)


  • Excellence in Service Award, National Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program (2023)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (2022)


  • Kaitlyn Gahl – Dr. Bonar Student - Miles McInnes Graduate Award, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (2022)


  • Award of Excellence, Management Section of the American Fisheries Society (2022)


  • Awarded Fellow, American Fisheries Society (2021)


  • Steven J. Ingram – Dr. Bonar Student - Miles McInnes Scholarship Arizona New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (2021)


  • Chad Teal – Dr. Bonar Student Contribution - Best Student Paper, Carl and Laura Hubbs Award Winner, Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting (2021)


  • USGS STAR Award, USGS. (2020-2021)


  • Chad Teal – Dr. Bonar Student Contribution - 53rd Joint Annual Meeting, Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Prescott, Arizona. Student Presentation Award Winner (January 30 - February 1, 2020)


  • Chris Jenney – Dr. Bonar Student - Miles McInnes Scholarship Arizona New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (2020)


  • USGS STAR Award, USGS. (2019-2020)


  • Featured Article, Fisheries Magazine (July 21, 2021)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (December 10, 2020)


  • Fellow, American Fisheries Society, American Fisheries Society (September 24, 2020)


  • Chris Jenney - Student of Dr. Bonar - White Mountain Fly Fishing Club Scholarship, White Mountain Fly Fishing Club (July 21, 2020)


  • Featured Article - Fisheries Magazine, American Fisheries Society (March 30, 2020)


  • Chad Teal - Dr. Bonar Student - Best Student Paper Award, Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (February 1, 2020)


  • Chris Jenney - Student of Dr. Bonar - Won Mile McInnis Memorial Student Scholarship, Arizona/New Mexico American fisheries Society (February 1, 2020)


  • Featured Article - North American Journal of Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society (January 16, 2020)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (December 10, 2019)


  • Featured Article - North American Journal of Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society (October 10, 2019)


  • Taylor Ulrich - Dr. Bonar student -Best Master's Thesis, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (April 15, 2019)


  • Zach Nemec - Dr. Bonar Student - Student Leadership Award, University of Arizona School of Natural Resources (December 10, 2018)


  • Larissa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - Travel Grant, University of Arizona Graduate Student and Professional Council (October 10, 2018)


  • Larrisa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - John E. Skinner Memorial Fund Award, American Fisheries Society (August 10, 2018)


  • Taylor Ulrich - Dr. Bonar Student - Best Presentation by a Masters Student, Western Division American Fisheries Society (May 10, 2018)


  • Taylor Ulrich - Dr. Bonar Student - Travel Grant, Western Division American Fisheries Society (May 10, 2018)


  • Larissa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - Travel Award, Western Division American Fisheries Society (March 10, 2018)


  • Zach Nemec - Dr. Bonar Student - Travel Grant, University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council (March 10, 2018)


  • Larissa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - Stinky Boot Award, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (February 5, 2018) 


  • Zach Nemec - Dr. Bonar Student - Miles McInnis Memorial Student Award, Arizona-New Mexico American Fisheries Society (February 5, 2018)


  • Larissa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - Clifford W. Castens, Jr. Scholarship, University of Arizona (January 30, 2018)


  • Larissa Lee - Dr. Bonar Student - Arrington Memorial Scholarship, University of Arizona (January 15, 2018)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (December 10, 2017)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (December 10, 2016)


  • 1st Place Video Production, UA School of Natural Resources and the Environment (November 15, 2016)


  • Conservationist of the Year - Cherry Creek Legal and Scientific Team, Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society (February 6, 2016)


  • Conservationist of the Year - Aravaipa Canyon Legal and Scientific Team, Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society (February 5, 2016)


  • Elected Fellow, The American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, The American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists (January 15, 2016)


  • USGS Star Award, USGS (December 10, 2015)


  • Colleen Svancara, Best Student Paper Award Finalist, 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society (February 6, 2015)


  • Colleen Svancara, Dr. Bonar Student, University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Travel Grant, University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council (January 15, 2015)


  • American Fisheries Society Certificate of Appreciation, American Fisheries Society (August 15, 2014)


  • AZ/NM Fisheries Professional of the Year, Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society (February 7, 2014)


  • Brian Hickerson and Jack Ruggirello, Best Student Poster AZ/NM AFS, Scott Bonar Students, AZ/NM American Fisheries Society 47th Annual Meeting (February 7, 2014)


  • Morgan Brizendine and Jack Ruggirello (Bonar Students) - Arizona/New Mexico AFS Student Travel Grant, Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society (February 7, 2014)


  • Scott Bonar, Professional of the Year, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (2014).


  • Stephani Clark-Barkalow, Best Student Paper Award, 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Scott Bonar Student (November 22, 2013)


  • Sally Petre, Best Student Poster, 45th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Scott Bonar Student. (November 22, 2013).


  • Scott Bonar, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Award of Appreciation, Pacific Southwest Region, for supporting the mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with research on Devils Hole pupfish and commissioning of the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility. (June 27, 2013).


  • Sally Petre, AFS Skinner Award, Scott Bonar Student (Given to only a few MS students across entire United States to provide for attendance at Annual AFS Meeting; July 5, 2013).


  • Stephani Clark-Barkalow, University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Travel Grant, Scott Bonar Student (June 3, 2013)


  • Jack Ruggirello, University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council Travel Grant, Scott Bonar Student (June 3, 2013)


  • Sally Petre, AFS Western Division Eugene Maughan Scholarship, Scott Bonar Student (Given to one MS student across entire western United States; March 19th, 2013).


  • Sally Petre, AFS Western Division Travel Grant, Scott Bonar Student (March 3, 2013).


  • Scott Bonar, USGS STAR Award, USGS (December 20, 2012)


  • Ambre Chaudoin, Best Student Paper AZ/NM AFS, Scott Bonar Student, AZ/NM Annual AFS Meeting (February 5, 2012)


  • Joy Price, Best Student Paper AZ/NM AFS, Scott Bonar Student, AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (February 5, 2011)


  • Scott Bonar, USGS STAR Award, USGS (December 20, 2010)


  • Scott Bonar, American Fisheries Society Certificate of Appreciation, American Fisheries Society (April 21, 2010)


  • Scott Bonar, Arizona Game and Fish Department Mentor of the Year, Arizona Game and Fish Department (January 15, 2010)


  • Scott Bonar, STAR Award, USGS Cooperative Units Program (October 1, 2008)


  • Scott Bonar, The Wildlife Society Nominee, Best Book of Year, Wildlife Society (October 1, 2008)


  • Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Award for Best Science – USGS Cooperative Units Program, 2007.


  • Scott Bonar, STAR Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2007.


  • Anne Kretschmann, a Masters student of Dr. Bonar received Best Student Poster Award at the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. 2007.


  • Scott Bonar, STAR Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2006.


  • Jason Kline, Best Student Paper (Hubbs Award) Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting (Bonar Student), 2006.


  • Jason Kline, a Masters student of Dr. Bonar, received Best Student Paper at the Arizona/Nevada Academy of Science Annual Meeting, 2006.


  • Scott Bonar and Yuliya Kuzmenko, Invited to address the Environmental Security Council, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Brussels, Belgium on joint research between scientists of the United States and the former Soviet Union, 2006.


  • The Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit received the Cooperative Research Unit Excellence in Cooperator Support Award for excellence in furthering the mission of the Cooperative Research Units Program, 2005.


  • Andrew Schultz, a Ph.D. student of Dr. Bonar received Best Student Paper Award at the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. 2004.


  • STAR Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2003.


  • STAR Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2001.


  • David Ward, an MS student of Dr. Bonar received Best Student Paper Award at the Arizona/ New Mexico American Fisheries Society Chapter Meeting. 2001.


  • STAR Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2000.

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